Life and Times of the Klein's

My Photo

We are just your normal middle class family living life one day at a time.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Boring Update

Meet the new family:
(Barnes and Noble)

Work Blurb: Not too much going on.... exciting anyway. Same old stuff..... There was an executive meeting today with the "higher ups" to discuss some litigation. As a result we may be staffing additional employees for the department. It was hot in our building today too - it's hard to work when it's stuffy like that.

Dan Blurb: Poor guy.... Worked Friday AND Saturday. I cut the grass and cleaned the house, then went to the grocery store - I'm trying to make it easier for Dan to feel like he can come home and just relax.... but believe it or not I think he missed cutting the grass. Dan did manage to find some paths through our woods to cut and he stumbled upon the quail we raised. It made him happy to see they were surviving on their own and have grown to a considerable size!

Home Blurb: When I was cutting a section of some of the really tall weeds you could tell where the deer had been bedding down - I had to stop cutting when I noticed a bunch of praying mantis around (I was starting to feel bad I was killing these bugs!) Oh, Chief and I were sitting on the front porch enjoy the quiet when here comes this deer running down our yard towards us.... I'm thinking, "When is this deer going to notice us sitting here or how close will it get?" It turned right by the pine tree in front of the house and never seemed to notice us. Oh and I've been driving our stick shift regularly! :-)

Our two fancy chickens:
The brown one on the left is a Bantam, the white one, I'm not too sure yet (he's a rooster). For now they are trying to establish who is in charge by "charging" each other. Other than that they are inseparable.

More Later!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I Did It Again!

My blurb: I brought home a new pet on Friday (or should I say 2 new pets)! Mom bought me 2 parakeets.... they are really cute. I like little chirpy birds. The look on Dan's face was priceless but he's warming up (I caught him chirping to them). I'll post photo's soon. Dan's birthday is coming up.... I purchased a snowmobile helmet - sure hope it fits!

Dan blurb: Same ole thing.... working in Gettysburg. He does have a doctor's appointment on Friday. We were supposed to go to breakfast in the morning but come to think of it he may need to fast beforehand! Ha, Ha!.... Looks like I'M going to breakfast - poor guy!

Home blurb: We have 12 guinea hens incubating. Today I had to switch incubators since they should be hatching soon. So keep your fingers crossed they all turn out normal! We should know by the weekend.

Work blurb: The fish finally kicked the bucket after a week of suffering. It died the day Chris came back! It is now replaced. Speaking of fish, I may get one for my desk.... we'll see

More Later!